Elks Lodge Youth Camp

June 15 - 20, 2025

We will be looking for 24 deserving boys and girls (ages 9-13) to attend our summer camp. All camper expenses are paid by Lodge #1091 including pre-camp physical and transportation to and from camp. If you know of any boys or girls who you believe would benefit from this experience, please pick up a form by calling or emails us at the Rochester Elks Lodge.

(Cannot be a child or grandchild of an Elk member.) 

The Minnesota Elks Youth Camp is a co-ed camp for deserving youth of Minnesota, ages nine through thirteen. Most campers are referred to local Elks Lodges through school programs referrals to the child's family. Persons knowing young people who otherwise would not have such an opportunity are urged to contact their nearest Minnesota Elks Lodge.

The Minnesota Elks Youth Camp does not discriminate against any person because of race, color, sex, national origin, or age - however, an attendee cannot be a child or grandchild of an Elk member.

Elks Care. Elks Share.

All camper expenses are paid by Lodge 1091 including pre-camp physical and transportation to and from camp. Up to 12 boys and 12 girls will attend from camp from the Rochester area.

Campers receive a well balanced diet through our Summer Food Service Program under the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Meals are served family style in our attractive air-conditioned dining hall.

In the unlikely event of personal injury, the camp has its own "Health House" and first aid equipment. Hospital facilities and a camp assigned physician are just twenty minutes away in Brainerd, Minnesota.

The camp setting includes about 270 acres of land on Pelican and Markee Lakes. The north woods atmosphere is prevalent with evergreen trees, fresh air, sunshine, wildlife and a large sandy beach.

Letters From Our Campers

Elks Youth Camp

The staff and campers like to call it BPOE or the Best Place on Earth. We introduced so many campers to new experiences & made many new friendships along the way. Some went fishing at Markee Lake and pontooning and kayaking on Pelican Lake. We climbed the Rock Wall, swam at the beach (everyday!), built sand castles, hit golf balls on the driving range, performed skits, sang songs, enjoyed a hay ride, went biking, shot at the archery range, and got creative in the arts & crafts room. Most campers will tell you many stories about their adventures at Elks Camp, but their new friendships seem to be everyone’s favorite part. At camp we think this is the most rewarding part of their week, knowing that someone cares. Oh! And the food is amazing, too!

Our Staff also enjoys their work at camp. They strive to make camp week a life changing experience for the campers, but what they don’t realize is how life changing it is for them. too. They receive many benefits that would not be available at other jobs. Each summer, the staff receives scholarships sponsored by the Elks. They are an eager and wiling group of young people, passionate about helping others.

Best Place on Earth

“Thanks for sending me. I loved it here. It was awesome. I loved swimming and campfires. The staff here are wonderful and fun. This is the best week of my whole entire live. Thank you for choosing me. It was great and wonderful.”

— Holly

“Oh, my gosh, thank you guys so much! I LOVE everything here this week. If it weren’t for you guys I would be sitting at home right now. I seriously can’t explain how grateful and happy I am about this camp. Thank you so much.”

— Ashley

“My favorite food was pizza. One thing I’m going to miss is my counselor. My favorite activity was archery. Something that caught my eye on the ride to camp was a deer that ran in front of the bus.”

— Jaylen

“This is an awesome place. Thank you for sending me to Elks camp. I loved all the staff here. The staff here are all awesome. This is the best week ever. Thank you for everything.”

— Lily