Nonprofit Donation Request
To make a request for a donation, complete the donation request form including all required information (see below). The request form and attachments can be emailed to the Gambling Committee, dropped off in the lodge entryway by the Lodge Dues box or hand-delivered to a member of the Gambling Committee.
Elks Care. Elks Share.
Eligibility & Process
The submitted donation request must include:
• Donation request date
• Donation request amount
• Donation due date to non-profit Organization
• Requester’s Name, phone number, and email address
• Organization’s letterhead with logo or non-profit brochure/pamphlet
• Organization’s legal Name and address
• Organization’s primary contact Name, phone number and/or email address
• 501(c)3 Tax ID number
• Purpose of Donation -
The Gambling Committee will review all requests and approved requests will be forwarded to the Elks Board of Directors for review and approval.
The Gambling Manager, Gambling Manager Assistant or Gambling Manager Committee will bring the request to the Lodge members meeting for final vote and approval.
The Gambling Committee will notify the requester when/if the donation request is approved and will schedule donation processing with Gambling Manager Assistant.
Rochester Elks Lodge members gear up and take donations at our annual Clothing Drive. All donations go to the Warming Shelter in Rochester.
Rochester Elks Lodge members gear up and take donations at our annual Clothing Drive. All donations go to the Warming Shelter in Rochester.
Rochester Elks Lodge members gear up and take donations at our annual Clothing Drive. All donations go to the Warming Shelter in Rochester.
Bob Brown, ENF Chair and Curt Schumacher present a $1000 check to Lisa Jaeger from MAC-V at the Pentagon House. The money was used to purchase furniture for the 6 apartments which are located across the street from the rehab center for Drug & Alcohol dependent veterans.
Curt Schumacher from the Veterans Service Committee presented a $3,000 check to the local Disabled American Veterans. They will now be able to purchase an elevated hunting blind for Oxbow Park. Excepting the check is Olmsted County Veterans Service Officer, Jennifer Shumacker and Jim Anderson, Commander of DAV Chapter 28. Also present from the VSC were Bob Brown, Tommy Carey and Exalted Ruler Matt Skinner.
Jan Kowalczyk had the pleasure of presenting a $1000 check to Gade Grinnell, the office manager for The Reading Center on behalf of our Lodge.
ER Matt Skinner and Trustee Bob Brown presented a $2000 check to Jamie Binger of The Landing for food for the home- less. The check was a result of our Lodge applying for an ENF Spotlight Grant.
The Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch $2500 check presentation to Bob Bardwell for the support of Gold Star families retreat. Pictured are Robert, Mia, Curt Schumacher and Matt Skinner who helped with the dinner.
Members of Rochester Lodge serving a chuckwagon dinner to families of the fallen after a weekend at Ironwood Springs Ranch.
Rochester Elks present a $5000 check to support the First Tee Program in Rochester. Money raised is from our Million Dollar Hole in One Contest.
"We are very grateful to Rochester Elks Lodge #1091 for their generous donation to 125 LIVE."
👏 Members of our Elks Lodge present $5000 to The First Tee of Rochester, MN 👏 Our annual golf fundraiser, Million Dollar Hole in one golf Shootout provided a $5,000 donation to The First Tee of Rochester, MN 👏
E.R. Kayla Blunt and Gambling Manager Renae Sander presented a $3000 donation this week to C.F.R. Community Food Response! Thank you to our members and community for making this happen!!
E.R., Kayla Blunt and Gambling Commitee Chair, Steve Hanson presenting Rochesterfest Executive Director, Stephen Rose with a $5,000 donation for security at Rochesterfest!

Past Charitable Donations
Colonial Lanes Youth Community
Soldiers Field Veterans Memorial youth transportation
Community Food Response
Rochester Warming Center
The Grace Foundation
Compassionate Friends
Ability Building Center
Boys and Girls Club
Catholic Charities
Blue Star Mothers
First Tee Program
Salvation Army
The Landing
Channel One Food Shelf
Ironwood Springs (Veterans/Gold Star Family weekends)
Senior Parties at Local High Schools
Hastings Veterans Home
Rochester Fire Department
Rochester Elks present a $5000 check to support the First Tee Program in Rochester. Money raised is from our Million Dollar Hole in One Contest.
Members of Rochester Lodge serving a chuckwagon dinner to families of the fallen after a weekend at Ironwood Springs Ranch.
Members of Rochester Lodge serving a chuckwagon dinner to families of the fallen after a weekend at Ironwood Springs Ranch.
Our Inner Guard, Mia, taking her turn bell ringing for the Salvation Army on behalf of the Rochester Elks Lodge.
Pictured to the left is ER Kayla Blunt, PER and ENF Chair, Bob Brown and Lauren a representative from Scheels. Through a Spotlight ENF Grant we were able to give $2000 to the Salvation Army. In addition Lodge gambling donated an additional $3500. We were able to take advantage of a $5000 match from Scheels to make our total contribution $10,500.
Rochester Elks proudly donating $6,500 to our Rochester, MN Salvation Army!